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June 10, 2024

Hit by a Drunk Driver? Here’s What to Do Next

If you or a loved one has recently been in a DUI accident, it probably felt both terrifying and overwhelming at the same time. Not only is it normal to experience shock and confusion in the moment, but it can...
April 8, 2024

How Can a Wrongful Death Attorney Help

Not only is it a painful and emotional experience to lose a loved one, but the situation is even more challenging when the death was caused by the negligence or reckless acts of another person. You need to prioritize your...
February 15, 2024

How to Choose the Right Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer

Being the victim of an accident is a tragic situation, and it is even more challenging if it is a hit-and-run situation. Not only were you injured, but the perpetrator fled the scene… leaving you behind. At this point, it’s...
January 15, 2024

Common Winter Accidents and How to Prevent Them

When the weather turns cold, the risk of an accident increases because of the dangerous conditions created by all of the snow and ice. Winter accidents can happen anywhere: in the car, on the ski slopes, or even when you...